Monday, April 30, 2012

Imagine what I might really be????

Color and movement - post processing-lines-light-all fun to play with!


  1. Santa getting sucked into a black hole? :)
    Love the rich colors you've captured here.

  2. Well, if it's not Santa getting sucked into a black hole, What is it???
    Love the motion and color and texture you captured. Great Shot Lady..

  3. This image began because of the vivid colors in a display of goblets in a retail establishment. The finished image was disappointing as there was too much definition (is that possible?) - so I began to play with Photoshop and special effects there - and this is the result. The colors and the light still present themselves but the blurring of the physical shapes allows our minds and eyes to wander and have fun! Thanks to Barbra for encouraging us to experiment and share the results!
