Saturday, November 24, 2012

Dave P. - Creative Use of Fill Flash

          Just playing around one afternoon with water drops and a flash.


  1. This is fantastic and very decorative. I would like to learn how you created the image.

  2. Thanks Mathias, I placed a plastic green plate on top of a red piece of fabric and placed it on a table. I took a sheet of Plexiglas and sprayed it with Rainex then sprayed it with water. I used two tables that were about 16 inches tall to suspend the Plexiglas over the plate and fabric. I took the photo using a floodlight and a flash. I focused on the water drops when taking the photo. Let me know if this does not make sense.

  3. That is a very creative / innovative idea. I will have to experiment with this technique myself. Thanks for the explanation.

  4. I loved this photo in our class last spring and was so glad to see it win 1st at the Thurston County Fair. Well deserved! :)

  5. Very cool, Dave. Those colors go perfectly together. And I like that big water droplet breaking up the edge of the plate.

  6. Thanks Melissa, it was fun to play around with.
